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I had completed 12 days of the Hansons Marathon method until this common cold reared its ugly head. It could be worse, could have been the flu. Tell me, who gets a cold during the summer?! Doesn't someone up there know I'm training for a marathon right now and don't have time to be sick?!

When I've been at the running track, people pass me, and I think to myself, I could easily run faster than you and part of me wants to at that moment - show them who's boss. Another option would be to go up to them and say, "Hey I'm purposely running slow and that is why you are beating me!" Can you imagine that? What a dick! Lol

Most people who know me, know that I love running. I love running because, simply, it's helped me figure out this thing called life, and I am a much better person because of it. Whenever I lace up my running shoes, it's a reminder of who I used to be and who I am now: a reminder of accomplishing things that I never even dreamed of (16 marathons and counting, amongst other things). If I can do that, then I can do anything! As corny as that may sound, it leads to confidence that you can't buy; if you believe you can do something then that is more than half the battle. No matter what life has thrown at me, running has always been the chicken soup to my soul, so I was quite surprised when I recently began to loath the idea of running.