Racing Weight: Day One

As my alarm kicked off this morning at 6:08 am, I thought to myself, “and so it begins: Day one.” It’s been almost a month since the Flying Pig Marathon, and boy, have I missed the training lifestyle. Yes, I've had a nice break from the mental and physical strain of my previous training cycle, but I’m ready to get back to it!

The Flying Pig Marathon Recap

Even though I maintained a good pace with the hills, it was taking its toll on my legs; and by the halfway mark, I began to slow down a little. I kept thinking to myself, ok, no worries, you’ve held back so far and can go a little faster the second half of the race. More hills came and went, and I continued running around the same pace until I passed mile 17.

The road to Cincinnati

In early March, I started having back pain that I hadn’t experienced before.  At first I thought to myself, Oh no! Is this what people mean when they say getting old sucks?  At the age of 31, my running “career” is over!  Ok, maybe I was being a little over dramatic (This is where my girlfriend would chime in and say, “You dramatic? NEVER! Haha).